field trip
Education for Life,  Expansion Project,  Experiential learning,  Science

Out of the Box Learning

Yesterday the Upper Elementary class went to OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry). I had the great blessing to accompany them. As tired as I was at the end of the day I was also inspired, invigorated and even more passionate about out of the box learning.
One child, often disinterested in academics, spent 30 minutes in the Chemistry Lab, exclaiming as she walked out, “ I love chemistry!”. Another child focused his attention for quite along time at the PGE alternative energy station, truly satisfied when he achieved a balance of economic, environmental and people variables that his experiential exercise deemed “Success!” visible on a 6 ft. screen.


When you take kids out of the classroom you are presented with moment after moment of learning opportunities. From talking about the plight and possibly solutions of homelessness (on the drive home) to the importance, once again, of washing your hands before you eat. If you can get the energy right, students can move, talk, inquire, listen, focus, explore, and strategize within a portable vessel created by the teachers and other adults on the trip.

There are many opportunities to learn out of the box at LWS, having an experience like yesterday brought the reminder of its value to the forefront of my mind. Their value can be priceless!    ~Rose

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