our world
Curriculum ideas,  Experiential learning,  Science

Learning about Frogs

Our First and Second grade teacher Melissa Heart, just finished up the Life Cycle of Frogs with her class. Enjoy her ideas and love of learning!

The Primary class began Spring term with a Frog Life Cycle unit. Each student drew an entire life cycle that contributed to our wall mural. The mural served as a focal point and inspiration for our study. Below are some of the highlights from our unit.

We learned that a frog can jump 30x’s its height, so we wondered if we were to jump like a frog how far would we go? In small groups, the students measured what that would like for them. The used a yard stick to calculate the distance across the playground, up the stairs and past the office! One group was able to make it to the end by measuring her body length 30x’s! The children were impressed to see how far they could go if they had frog legs.

When listening to frog facts, we hopped like one to a new spot after each fact. After learning about the colors of frogs, the students applied their knowledge to an experience by creating origami frogs and camouflaging them in natural places. They enjoyed testing their friends ability to find the frogs!

We ended our unit with repurposing the Life Cycle mural and making our own books from the pictures and fact sheets I printed out. Students were very inventive, some cut out circles and attached them using brads to make a fact wheel and some made a booklet with their own designs and inspirations inside.

It was a fun unit and it inspired us to learn about bodies of water!