circle time
Appreciation,  Calm,  Education for Life,  Experiential learning,  Focused Attention,  Meditation,  Teaching Spiritual Principles

Circle Time

Every morning, in every Living Wisdom School classroom from preschool to middle school, the school day begins the same way​. ​

Circle Time is a ​special part of the day for the class to come together in unity, set the intention for the day, share and support one another, and s​end​ collective well-wishes to friends, family, and all of humanity.​ A short meditation is part of each classroom’s Circle Time.

​For our ​Preschool and Kinder​garten classes,​​ a highlight of Circle Time is being a “Shining Star.” Each day a new student is a Shining Star, taking turns in this role to lead the blessing, “light” the candle, and be a line leader. The cherished Shinning Star is a role that children love, helping to develop their leadership and public speaking skills.

In our Intermediate class, Circle Time includes a short check-in. Each student shares on a scale of 1 to 5 where their energy level is for the day. Each student is honored for their experience and reality that day.

“I’m a 5 because I spent some of my morning gazing up at the trees out my window.”

“I’m a 3 because I’m very, very tired. My dog Ginger woke me up early when she was sneezing on me.”

The Middle School students begin Circle Time with a meditation and blessing read aloud from a class book of blessings. After this mindfulness time to begin the morning, students go over the daily schedule of activities.

Circle Time is a Living Wisdom tradition that we keep alive every day to begin each school day with intention and community.