Cathedral to Learning- post two
Below is the second in series of four blog posts about how an inspiration of the Intermediate class Art teacher, Heather Utter, manifested in the classroom. After the field trip and back in the classroom, the students began to develop a plan to create their cathedral to learning. As a class, they decided they’d like to create some form of mural, stained glass windows, and décor related to learning. They wondered, “how can we make a piece of artwork together?” Their first project was a type of ceiling mural, which they created using circles of construction paper decorated with abstract patterns. Each student had to complete at least three circles,…
Learning about Frogs
Our First and Second grade teacher Melissa Heart, just finished up the Life Cycle of Frogs with her class. Enjoy her ideas and love of learning! The Primary class began Spring term with a Frog Life Cycle unit. Each student drew an entire life cycle that contributed to our wall mural. The mural served as a focal point and inspiration for our study. Below are some of the highlights from our unit. We learned that a frog can jump 30x’s its height, so we wondered if we were to jump like a frog how far would we go? In small groups, the students measured what that would like for them.…
Beautiful Math
It’s not uncommon to hear a few students say, “I don’t want to do math. I’m not good at it. I don’t like numbers.” At least, this is what I have heard and experienced in my classroom...