Honoring Nature Poem
Here is a nature appreciation poem and activity that is especially popular in Helen's kindergarten class...
Ahimsa and Chickens
There was much talk swirling around after the Family Retreat this past summer at Laurelwood. Nitai Deranja, who started the first Living Wisdom School, did most of the teaching and inspired the many families who were there. I wasn't there, but heard about how he taught Ahimsa, and I knew I needed to try that with my class of 1st and 2nd graders. Ahimsa is the term for the practice of non-harming or non-violence...
The Power of Play
There’s a lot of talk lately about how much we learn through play. Research is showing the impact that free playtime (or the lack thereof) has on our kids, how they think and solve problems, and how they relate in community. Lately I’ve been interested in exploring how to integrate play into my curriculum...